Kimatica’s solution for radio propagation modeling in wireless networking
Pace4G is a multi-resolution, multi-clutter, multi-
dimensional propagation model.
Pace4G has been validated against CW and live network
measurements that cover more than 200,000kms across
15 countries worldwide.
Pace4G combines the fastest and most accurate ray-
tracing tool in the market with the most efficient radio
component over raster clutter data.
The success of Pace4G builds on the experience of the
Kimatica Radio Team over solutions that are being used
and recommended by world-leading cellular OpCOs.
Pace4G is not simply a model but a complete radio
package that includes a propagation model, a calibration
tool and a GIS processing tool for clutter and terrain data.
• Seamless integration within well-known radio
planning and network optimization tools
• An adaptive model that combines multiple
clutter types and resolutions in a single prediction
• All operations are automatic so that the user
doesn’t have to make any critical selections
• It will activate automatically the required radio
components based on the input data and the
input resolution
• Ultra-fast Computation Time (a 4km x 4km
ray-tracing prediction takes a few seconds)
• Exemplary Prediction Accuracy (on average,
our solutions show a mean error of 0-2dBs and
standard deviation of error of 5-7dBs)
• Unique outdoor-to-indoor approach with multi-
ray approach
• Starts with a 3D approach close to Tx including
LOS/Reflections/Diffraction calculations, then
2.5D further away and finally 2D at large
distances from Tx (up to 100kms away)
• Physical, not empirical, modelling – Valid over a wide range of
frequencies, Tx heights, and environments
• A fully deterministic model that relies purely on
fundamental physical mechanisms with limited
• Optimized operation in 32-bit and 64-bit
machines for Windows, Solaris, and Linux

Our team takes care of all the preliminary work to use our products.
Our solutions require minimal effort from the customer’s side